Concept Hearing
Ear wax build-up can cause a range of problems, from minor pain and discomfort to lasting damage to your ears. Using the safe, comfortable and quick method of wax removal, at Concept Hearing we can remove your ear wax to eliminate problems such as:
At our Cork audiology clinic, we can help you deal with earwax in a safe, painless way so that you can avoid more long-term or even permanent hearing troubles.
We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way
As trusted ear care specialists, we can help you with all manner of audiology needs. Our clinicians are fully qualified and experienced audiologists, offering unmatched expertise and patient-centred care. For ear wax removal, we bring the most up-to-date methods combined with a highly knowledgeable team.
For ear wax removal in Cork, we use a method called microsuction. This gentle method involves using light suction to dislodge and remove hardened and compacted earwax from the ears. Over other methods like syringing and irrigation microsuction uses no water. Your appointment with our ear specialist will be quick and painless, providing instant relief to the pain and hearing loss that compacted earwax causes.
Microsuction generally requires no preparation before you arrive. If you wish, you can apply olive oil ear drops to help the process, but it is not necessary in most cases. As part of our ear cleaning in Cork, we can advise you on this in cases that your earwax is particularly firm and may need to be softened before your appointment.
Microsuction is a relatively quick ear wax removal procedure and only takes between 20 and 45 minutes, depending on whether one or both ears need to be treated. In the unlikely event we are unable to remove all of your wax in one appointment we will call you back for a follow up appointment free of charge.
Ear wax removal using microsuction is safe and gentle procedure. There is no pain at all with this procedure and it is a safe way to see the delicate structures of the ear. During the procedure microscopes are used to guide the suction tool to the affected area and nowhere else. Some people may experience a sensation of coldness in their ear canal during microsution.
You may feel a little discomfort whilst the vacuum is removing the ear wax, but this doesn’t last long and you shouldn’t feel any negative after effects following the procedure.
There may be circumstances in which you may not be suitable candidate for microsuction to take place. Our Audiologist will undertake a detailed medical history to assess if there are any reasons why we cannot proceed with microsuction. Some of these reasons include but are not limited to post-operative ears, non-visible and new perforations, head tremors, recent active ear infections, skin conditions, blood in external auditory meatus. We are happy to discuss if you have any queries related to the above information.
Prior to ear wax removal by microsuction it is not always necessary for patients to use an ear wax softener. Over-softening may make micro suction difficult in some instances. In the event your ear wax is firm your Audiologist may recommend following a consultation an ear wax softener to soften your ear wax.
Microsuction is the main way that our audiologists will remove any ear wax build up as it’s suitable for most people and is an extremely safe procedure with minimal side effects. However we do also offer ear irrigation as a method for ear wax removal and we may sometimes use manual wax removal tools to assist us in removing ear wax.
If you have any questions about our microsuction ear wax removal in Cork, feel free to get in touch. As trained and experienced audiologists, we can address your queries and concerns to get you ready to reclaim your hearing and comfort. Microsuction costs €70 for one or both ears, we usually can accommodate bookings for microsuction at short notice as we understand the discomfort this can cause for our patients. Book online or call us today.