Concept Hearing

Clinical Hearing Assessments For Midleton & Surrounding County Cork Areas

Concept Hearing


At Concept Hearing, we understand the importance of your hearing health. Our professional hearing assessments in Cork go beyond routine tests to provide you with a thorough evaluation of your hearing abilities and needs.

Hearing Test

What Does Our Cork Hearing Assessment Include?

Our comprehensive hearing test evaluates your hearing sensitivity across different frequencies to identify any hearing loss.

We take the time to understand your medical history, lifestyle, and any concerns you may have regarding your hearing.

Using advanced video otoscopy technology, we examine the health of your ear canal and eardrum to detect any abnormalities or blockages.

If necessary, we provide gentle and safe ear wax removal to ensure accurate test results and optimal hearing health.

Our audiometry assessment measures your ability to hear sounds at various intensities and frequencies to determine the extent of your hearing loss.

We assess your ability to understand speech in different environments to gauge your communication challenges.

After the assessment, we provide a detailed explanation of your results and recommend suitable solutions based on your individual needs.

Choosing the Right Hearing Aids

If our assessment indicates that you would benefit from hearing aids, we will guide you through the selection process to find the most suitable devices for you. We consider:

Level of Technology

We offer a range of hearing aid technologies to match your specific hearing requirements and lifestyle preferences.

Comfort & Style of Fitting

Depending on your degree of hearing loss and personal preferences, we recommend hearing aid styles and fittings that provide optimal comfort and discreteness.


We understand that budget is a consideration for many individuals, and we work with you to find hearing aid options that deliver excellent hearing performance within your budget constraints.

Online Hearing Test

To get a preliminary assessment of your hearing abilities, you can use our free online hearing screening tool. This quick and easy test provides valuable insights into your hearing health and can help determine if further evaluation is necessary.

Explaining results

Visit us for your hearing assessment in Cork

Once you’ve completed our online hearing screening tool, we’re here to explain the results and answer any questions you may have. Your hearing health is our priority, and we’re committed to providing you with the support and guidance you need to make informed decisions about your hearing care.

Ready to schedule your professional hearing assessment in Cork? Contact Concept Hearing today to book your appointment and take the first step towards better hearing health.

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